Our Restaurant

King 5 TV's Evening Magazine's viewers voted Sushi Zen as one of the Top 5 Best Sushi Restaurants in Western Washington!

We were also Awarded Top 5 on Seattle's A List Best Sushi Category! Here's a big "Thank You!" to our wonderful, loyal guests!

About Us

We started Sushi Zen back in 2003. Our concept was simple. Relaxing. Clean. Fresh.

We offer a bit of everything Japanese cuisine has to offer, from the traditional side of Japan, to the new and inventive styles from both the East and West Coasts.

We hope you enjoy your dining experience. Thank you for your support.

Daniel & Kimiko - Owners


January 29, 2022

We are Open on VALENTINE'S Day

To accommodate our guests, we are swapping our closed Day! We will be Open on Monday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day) and will be closed on Tuesday, February 15th so we can celebrate your Valentines!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Book Your Reservation Today!!!

June 19,2021

We have decided to close on Mondays beginning in July. We are understaffed and have decided to consolidate our efforts to provide you with the best service possible. We appreciate your understanding and hope to reopen Mondays in the near future.

Phone Ordering: 425-357-1611 or 425-357-0932

Online Ordering: www.sushizenmillcreek.com or https://www.chownow.com/order/20191/locations/29113


Want to make a reservation? Call 425-357-1611 or 425-357-0932

Contact Form

We value honest comments and feedback from our guests. Please feel free to contact us using the contact form.

Please do not use this form for making reservations. For faster response to your questions or to make reservations, please call us at 425-357-1611 or 425-357-0932.